Wednesday 30 January 2013

Love of Food - Poulet (Part2)

And yes, I am back to eat here gain :)
Been meaning to try every single of their mains actually, so this time i came with my girl friend to eat and catch-up for the year 2013 first meet-up.
So this time, 2mains, 2 dessert! :)
The duck leg was good but not very filling for me. Flavour and softness of the meat is really up to standard. My friend tried the new flavour of the chicken - cant quite remember what was the name of the dish but i know it has got cranberry sauce.
Not for me because i am not the 'sour' person so it tasted ok.
Dessert wise: This time i had the Panna Cotta (something like that) & banana bread pudding.
I LOVE the banana bread pudding :) Maybe the other one taste abit weird to me, so i didnt quite like it. but to each his own :p


Monday 14 January 2013

BJ 101

Now is for my scalp/hair :)
After a round of face and body, now is the time for HAIR :)
(now everyone knows where my hard-earned money went!!!!!)

I used to have this super bad habit of scratching my head/hair whenever i feel tense or stressed up. So yea, my scalp is never at its peak due to the constant strain i put on it.
So I decided to do a random walk in when I pass by BJ101. Did a scalp analysis for my scalp and my oh my!! My scalp is sort of clogged by the excess oil causing my hair not to grow so well and it's not healthy. My hair ends are also not receiving its nutrients. (Upset for a girl to hear of all these)

So i decided to sign up for their treatment which includes a mask and tonic+massage (1st stage). Which was pretty helpful because i gradually realise that i itch less often and i can feel the hair gets thicker. After which i upgraded my tonic to some serum which is better and it has this cooling feeling whenever they help me apply on it. Their massage skills varies but up till now i still do feel ok with most of them. My oily scalp has improved over the time and sometimes i really i love my hair better already :p

Whenever i go in, i would be served a cup of hot tea and a hot towel as well, biscuit is as per request i think :) Because sometimes i rush over from work hence got to skip dinner if i want to be on time. :) And they are very prompt to refill for you whenever the tea runs out.
They also tries to chat with you if you are willing and some of them can be quite funny.
Sometimes there might be chance that there will be some waiting time needed to Queue to wash hair as at 1time only 3can wash( at the outlet i am at) but they might have over 10customers in there taking turns hence their time control sometimes is sort of tested.

As they always say, things are always rising in price. Everything will be more expensive year by year... So yea, the price i got my package is like about 2years ago... By now, i think already increased. My time was already around $2k plus for me as i couldnt afford a full treatment so i took up half the package... Given they use herbs and stuff, i think it cant go any cheaper :p

The service they provide is good and i like them. I continued a few more packages with them subsequently too. :) I even asked my colleague to go with me and she too, signed up with them and we really feel so comfy there whenever they massage sometimes we even fall asleep too :)
But for the package you sign up to have good results, you will have to follow a good diet and good timely rest as well in order for the results to be even better.
It's both internal & external :)

Sunday 13 January 2013

Love of food- Kkongdon Korean BBQ

Been passing by this place quite a guess I was just too tempted to give it a try because I like BBQ stuff. Ha
Hence finally I went.Ordered their beef,pork and Chicken for variety. Ordered a Set A and a boneless chicken set. We even put garlic on the pan to fry it a'lil before putting the meat on it which i thought was pretty interesting and it smells better than the 1st round we tried to cook without the garlic... Though i was abit disappointed that they replaced the Steam Egg to some cold tofu soup looking thingy that i totally didnt enjoy. :( the way the BBQ plate was placed is slanted so that the oil will flow down to the drain covered with a plastic bag so that it's easier to remove and throw away. :)
Rest of the food is wow, TASTY!
nice.though the portion could have been slightly more for the meat (but no restaurants give more meat so it's still not so bad.) The chicken is so soft and yummy!!
Their Ginseng Chicken soup is nice I like it a lot but I never tried an authentic version from Korea before hence my nice is as per my taste standard not as compared to original and the rice inside the soup is full of flavour as well. They also have a few side dishes eg: kimchi &some other veges which is free flow but i am not a fan of those so i tried very little of it.
We were pretty much full after the whole dinner.ha
Overall, service was ok and the staff were quite prompt in taking orders and helping to clear the plates. :) I didnt smell so strongly as compared to when i visit a food court :) So that is a plus point too!
Would go back again!! Next round I wanna try other parts of the meat that they offer!

Few times i pass by here again, it's having a Queue :)

Located at M.Sq Link #B1

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Just to Note...

Up till now, all these services/packages i have commented on are those Purchased and Used by me.
So i am just sharing my personal experience with everyone. Well, I paid for them, so the treatment i get from them are as true as any consumer can get :)


This is the First package i ever took up in my life. After i started working i decided to look for a place whereby i can do my facial when I feel like it, in fact this is the 1 and only place whereby i paid up in FULL by CASH can!!
I choose them because they have a 'brand' name and sort of nearby my place. So i kinda like it.
They are the non-poke,no-press facial, where they use the help of some machines to do the sucking out the blackheads and stuff. I am super scared of PAIN, so i decided that they are good for me. :)

Up till now, despite visiting many different outlets, their service to me has been very good. Very professional and not too pushy to me. (maybe i have a fierce face until they dare not say too much? - I wouldnt know ;p )
Making an Appointment sometimes can be a challenge as they really have alot of customers but good thing is that they do not over-book.
Their waiting time is very acceptable and the service of the therapists are all very good. Polite, gentle, friendly. i also quite like some of the tea they offer in the small cute teacup.

Since they have a brand and does so much marketing, dont expect them to be very cheap, when i divided out the price, 1treatment can cost up to $200 and above. But well, they give facial, shoulder massage,eyebrow shaping... What i could remember at my relaxing moment... anyway, they have different package offers at different point in time so cant compare 1to1 anymore.

Currently, i have about 3 different packages with them for different treatments.
BioP2X, BioDermabrasion & Derma Peel
As long as they do not give me outbreaks i think they are all ok.
But Derma Peel is like removing old skin to replace new one using chemical, so it may sting on the face as the lady applys the chemical on the skin but they will fan your face so that the sting impact wouldnt be too harsh. And extra care must be taken after doing such treatment. (i am super lazy when it comes to skincare but at this period i also took extra care of my skin)
The other 2, you guys can read up at their webby, they do have a brief intro about the treatments.
Other than BioDermabrasion, the other 2 are not my initial treatment taken up years back as the time goes the treatment so call improved i supposed :)

i guess i will always still go back to them when my package runs out :) Because even the skin expert that i visited months ago mentioned that BIOSKIN is good as they do not do poking/pressing that affects the rest of the skin area (that aside, i do still have a package with another co that does the painful treatment of pressing - to be discussed at later posts)

Monday 7 January 2013


Well well, it's finally the start of the post that i meant for this blog to be for. :)

Not many people know what I signed up for. So i shall start to comment on them 1by1 probably like about:
Mostly it will be about this so that anyone can understand what really goes on about the 'packages' that you may be buying.

Firstly, it will be LWM (outlet at C.S.M).
I bought this over one of the deal webby for my bestie & me each. So we went ahead to give it a try.

For a trial, obviously service was fantastic. So well taken care of, so detailed.
Firstly they ask you to have a shower and then wait for your turn to go into the 'steam cubicle' to sweat like mad first.... After dont know how long (because it always feel like forever when one is inside the hot and hard to breathe area) they will call for your name to come out and go for your treatment. which is the electric thingy that i purchased. It was kinda fun.
Subsequently, after i got the package, the treatment is kinda crappy as everyone is busy with their own customers, i dnt even know when is my turn. (partly because my prev. consultant left and the new one took over but the few times i went over, i wasnt served by her at all for all my treatments, the only thing i had from her was asking me if i am feeling ok in the hot blanket.

Well, i got myself a package that i have not really used much up till now at about $500. it inlcudes the steam, wrap & a healthy drink with 2flavours that you can choose from. Chocolate/Strawberry.
BUT the fact that they SPLIT the treatment up is already sort of crappy when it comes to purchasing the deal, because every different they do for you, it's consider 1treatment. So when they say 3, it just meant probably, 1steam bath,1wrap/machine & 1 more that i cant quite remember.

My treatment for now is just the steamroom plus the hot blanket, to make you lose water. As they mention that i have water retention, so the process will help to lose excess water.
But since i really sweat all out, i guess, i did lose some water?
There is always a weight-taking session before & after the treatment so as to let you see the effect of the body releasing the water. it can range from 100-500g each time :p

After a chat with another customer of theirs, i came to this conclusion that after i finish up the current package, i wouldnt want to continue anymore unless they suddenly improved their service.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Stickers for the nails

I was sort of surfing around Qoo10 when I came to this thing selling quite cheaply.
I'm typically lazy with such things but I still decided to give it a try.
Using the stickers needs bit of effort as my Left hand can't seem to be able to function as well as my right hand when trying to cut the stickers out.
Below is the result of my trial sticker test.but it didn't stick as well as I thought. by the next day the sides are coming out bit by bit.I tried to put nail polish to see if it sticks better but it doesn't seem to work.
within the next few days,1of the stickers drop off and I had to removed the whole thing. It didn't last me more than 4days.ha!
But it's kind of relieving to remove because the past few days I had some difficulty using my fingers to brush through my hair as I can feel it sticking to the hair.ha!!

Tuesday 1 January 2013


Hope eveyone had fun :)
I only remain at home to countdown and had a quiet time with myself.

Anyway, I forgot to introduce the theme of my blog.
EAT is to Makan to my Max happiness
PRAY is pray in any time any situation to God :)
PLAY is to Enjoy every moment & explore new places
LOVE is to Love everything i do,eat, play! :)

Basically, it's about everything i can comment/blog on. :)