Am not pregnant....This post is about what I observed from others' pregnancy.
Morning Sickness:
If it's just really occurring in the morning, I guess this is okay but when the vomiting starts from Morning to night (that includes waking up to throw up). I think this is very stressful to the 'mother-to-be'. Especially when the nutrients didn't get to go down to the mum's body because they are just simply throwing up what they ate.
For those with gastric, please watch out even more because throwing up is a bad process on the gastric and it might make the gastric pains worsen...
Even to the extent of throwing up too much and fainted as a result. (so try not to leave them alone at home when they are throwing up badly because they will need someone to at least watch out for them)
Drips is 1 of the solution but who would want to go down to the hospital to drip half the time.
let mum-to-be try whatever food/snacks they can because at least they will know what are things that they can take. Satisfy the craving if any.
When pregnant woman with such bad experience with their pregnancy, it's easy for them to incur negative thoughts, when they go to extreme that they say things that they don't normally do, keep a lookout. That point in time could be the lowest point of their life.
Try to keep them company and not let them be alone for more than few hours because they can really imagine the worst. Because in their mind, NO ONE can understand them, NO ONE went through the same thing as them and they are NOT the ones Suffering. This will further shut them off to the rest of the world.
They cant control what they mind is thinking. They will feel guilty,bad,upset, unhappy about everything.
At this point in time, Family support is really needed. Some times a little action goes a long way, because you never know the little things you helped in, actually helped the mum-to-be out of something bad. Husbands, PATIENCE is badly needed other than just support. Because things can really get quite bad when the wife is not thinking straight anymore.
Seek help as soon as you realise something is not right, do not be afraid to admit that you are not thinking straight anymore, share the feelings, cry it out if needed. The earlier you try
First-time parents, do find out more about pregnancy and as well as what to expect at each stage of pregnancy, be it expected / unexpected.
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